Loren Malyszko

I'm walking 10k steps a day this May to support Autistic Australians

I’ve stepped up to Walk for autism. Please show your support as I walk my own brilliant way for Autistic Australians and their families!

Did you know? Because the world is not autism-friendly, 70% of Autistic people in Australia experience mental health issues.

That's why I'm walking 10k steps a day in May to fundraise for Aspect (Autism Spectrum Australia). Can you please support me?

Your donation will help deliver services that support Autistic people to live their best life.

Funds raised can help Autistic people and their families access earlier diagnosis, provide autism-specific schooling for children on the autism spectrum, support research and help create inclusive, autism-friendly environments.

Please support my Walk for autism and donate now. Thank you so much!

My Walk Stats



My Goal


Halina & Stephen


Thank you so much to my biggest supporter, Halina & Stephen, for donating a trailblazing $300 to help create a more autism-friendly world.

Thank you for your brilliant donation

Halina & Stephen


Thank you for your continued support to Alex and for being a great ambassador for a wonderful cause. Love mum & Stephen xx

Northwest Electrical & Solar


Good on ya Loren

Melinda Morris


Superstar. Love your Proud best friend xx

Julie Dunne


Well done Loren

Joanne Smith


Great Job Loz

Len Mccall


I hear you

Brendan And Sally Cheeseman


Enjoy your walk mate

Melinda Morris


Love you xx

Toni Kurdas


You're a super Mum Loren. ❤️

Louise Bowdern


Keep up the great work Loz x

Empower Coaching


Leah Curson


Well done Loren! Fabulous cause

Naomi Laughton


Lindsay Wilson


Rism with the Tism

Nicole Forbes


Keep smashing goals hun! Alex is super lucky to have you in his corner. He has grown so much on all levels the last year.

Michelle Townsend


Glad to help keep this Alive!!! From 1 ASD mum to another... xx

Ollie Barba


You’re an AMAZING Mama!! Keep shining Alex you superstar! Love your mate Ollie

Robyn Whitehead


Congrats on being a Community Ambassador and Goodluck with this years walk. You’ll smash it!!

Loren Malyszko


Nicole Thornton


Sorry it couldn’t be more ❤️