Jess Leonard

I'm walking 7k steps a day this May to support Autistic Australians

Carson has stepped up to Walk for autism. Please show your support as I walk my own brilliant way for Autistic Australians and their families!

Did you know? Because the world is not autism-friendly, 70% of Autistic people in Australia experience mental health issues.

That's why I'm walking 7k steps a day in May to fundraise for Aspect (Autism Spectrum Australia). Can you please support me?

Your donation will help deliver services that support Autistic people to live their best life.

Funds raised can help Autistic people and their families access earlier diagnosis, provide autism-specific schooling for children on the autism spectrum, support research and help create inclusive, autism-friendly environments.

Please support my Walk for autism and donate now. Thank you so much!

My Walk Stats



My Goal




Thank you so much to my biggest supporter, Anonymous, for donating a trailblazing $270 to help create a more autism-friendly world.

Thank you for your brilliant donation



After watching your musical performance last year Carson I’m convinced you are an inspiration and will lead the way with bringing awareness to just how valuable your insights are!

Matching Donor


Finn And Family


Awesome work Team Carson - from Finn and Family 🤠

Rod Cohan


Good luck!

Matching Donor


Jacki Townson


You are an inspiration Carson. Well done

Matching Donor


Melissa Griffiths


Thank u so much for doing this for autism. Ur a wonderful young boy

Jason Luke


Dan Southwell


This is an amazing cause and you are an absolute legend for your work to raise awareness. Keep up the incredible effort and best of luck for your walk.

Matching Donor


Joan Opbroek/ian Elton


Great initiative Carson - keep on walking, walking!



Aaron Roods


Wow, amazing effort Carson! You should be so proud of what you've achieved!

Jess Leonard


Matching Donor




What an amazing young man you are Carson!! Well done and keep fighting the good fight 👏🙌you are a true inspiration 🫶

Brent Moncrieff


Jess Leonard


Matching Donor


Jackson Leonard


Go Carson!



Go Carson!!!! I'm sure you'll absolutely smash it buddy.

Matching Donor


Claire Hill-paul




Go Carson! You can smash your goal again this year woohoo! We will be right behind you every step of the day!

Matching Donor


Nikki Loison


Hey Carson! What a great goal you have set yourself! Well done. I will be cheering you on & I can’t wait to hear how you went! Go Carson!!! ❤️❤️❤️

Matching Donor


Danielle Fisher


Dorothy Leonard


I hope you have a great day tomorrow Carson. I am so proud of how much money you have raised! Nanny D….x

Alicia Sahin


Well done Cason, proud of you

William Jones


Go Carson you are amazing!

Tam And Adam Rumble


You are an inspiration for us all Carson! Keep shining!

Bill & John Sub Branch


Facebook Donation
