My Son Is Autistic 🫶🏼
This cause is close to home as my own boy has level 3 Autism. It’s always a great feeling to help others who are struggling, every little thing makes a big difference!I'm walking 7k steps a day this May to support Autistic Australians
I’ve stepped up to Walk for autism. Please show your support as I walk my own brilliant way for Autistic Australians and their families!
Did you know? Because the world is not autism-friendly, 70% of Autistic people in Australia experience mental health issues.
That's why I'm walking 7k steps a day in May to fundraise for Aspect (Autism Spectrum Australia). Can you please support me?
Your donation will help deliver services that support Autistic people to live their best life.
Funds raised can help Autistic people and their families access earlier diagnosis, provide autism-specific schooling for children on the autism spectrum, support research and help create inclusive, autism-friendly environments.
Please support my Walk for autism and donate now. Thank you so much!
My Walk Stats
My Goal
Sam La Spada
Thank you so much to my biggest supporter, Sam La Spada, for donating a trailblazing $211 to help create a more autism-friendly world.
Thank you for your brilliant donation
Sam La Spada
Jennifer La Spada
Brittany La Spada
Matching Donor
Brad Robinson
Sally Gamer
Thank you, from those of us who often get overlooked xoxo
Courtney Thomas
Love you I hope this help
Zoe King
Facebook Donation
Facebook Donation
Linda Rohlf
You go girl
Sarah Eley
Thank you for supporting “different not less”
Brittany La Spada
Brittany La Spada
Grasshoppers Donation Box
Shannon Hawes
Kristy Robinson
Shannon Hawes
Kristy Robinson
Anything for our Sug ❤️
Gemma Hyde
Mel List
Much love, Mel and Henlee xxx
Donna Mcdonald
With love ❤️
Jason Kucek
Cynthia Campos
Tamara Dowling
Amazing ❤️
Shakaya Rak
Love hunter and I
Facebook Donation
Oakley Carter
Matthew Johnstone
Lana Woods
Love Josie xx
Alyce Elizabeth Monger
I know it’s not a lot but I wanted to help ❤️
Brooke Barnes
You’re the best ❤️
Z Moore
Love you and my gorgeous nephew 😍❤️